Angular — Formatters and Parsers

Netanel Basal
Netanel Basal
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2017


If you’ve worked with AngularJS, you probably remember the ngModelController parsers and formatters options. Parsers change how view values will be saved in the model and Formatters change how model values will appear in the view.

Unfortunately, Angular has not implemented this feature in the new version, but we can achieve the same result with ControlValueAccessor.


A ControlValueAccessor is a bridge between a control and a native element.

If you have no prior knowledge on this subject I encourage you to read my previous article — Angular Custom Form Controls Made Easy.

In our example, we will allow the user to enter a list of emails separated by commas. What we want to achieve is:

  1. We want the model value to be an array of emails.
  2. We want the view value to be emails separated by commas.

Let’s create a custom form control to achieve the above result.

selector: '[splitterControl]',
export class SplitterDirective implements ControlValueAccessor {

constructor( private renderer : Renderer2,
private element : ElementRef ) {

writeValue( value : any ) : void {
const element = this.element.nativeElement;
this.renderer.setProperty(element, 'value', value.join(','));

registerOnChange( fn : any ) : void {
this.onChange = fn;


The writeValue method is the equivalent of AngularJS $formatters — model => view.

selector: '[splitterControl]',
export class SplitterDirective implements ControlValueAccessor {

constructor( private renderer : Renderer2,
private element : ElementRef ) {
@HostListener('input', [ '$' ])
input( value ) {
writeValue( value : any ) : void {
const element = this.element.nativeElement;
this.renderer.setProperty(element, 'value', value.join(','));

registerOnChange( fn : any ) : void {
this.onChange = fn;


The onChange method is the equivalent of AngularJS $parsers — view=> model.

Now we can use our custom form control.

<input splitterControl [formControl]="control" class="form-control">control = new FormControl([ '' ]);

Remember, you can implement only one custom ControlValueAccessor per component.

That’s all.

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A FrontEnd Tech Lead, blogger, and open source maintainer. The founder of ngneat, husband and father.