Building a Simple Carousel Component with Angular

Netanel Basal
Netanel Basal
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2017


In this article, we will create a simple carousel component with Angular that includes animation with the help of the Animation Builder service. We will also discuss several approaches to querying the DOM.

The following will be our final result:

Let’s start by creating the carousel component.

The Component CSS

Here, we’ll use a well-known CSS technique. We need a wrapper element with overflow: hidden and a fixed width we will define later as equal to the width of a carousel item. We must also set the carousel element to display: flex so the items appear in the same row. Later, we will use the Animation Builder service to animate the transform property of the carousel element.

Let’s continue to see how we can pull the items out of the template.

Building the Carousel Item Directive

The Carousel Item directive is a structural directive. We can leverage Dependency Injection to get a reference to the template.

Rendering The Items

Now, let’s see how we can use this data in the parent component.

We can query for the CarouselItemDirective instances in our template with the ContentChildren decorator. Then we loop through them, passing the CarouselItemDirective.tpl property that holds a reference to a template to the ngTemplateOutlet directive. ( which we can get from the CarouselItemDirective constructor via DI ).

Setting The Wrapper Width

As I mentioned before, we need to set the wrapper element width to the same as the first item width by querying for the .carousel-item element. For this task, I will use a directive with selector .carousel-item.

Now we can obtain a reference to every element in the template matching the directive selector.

Pay attention to two things here: we used ViewChildren and not ContentChildren, and we asked for the native DOM element by setting the read property to ElementRef.

Now we can get the width of the first element and set the wrapper element to the same value.

Note: You can also use ViewChild to get the first element, but I wanted to illustrate this method in case you want to build a carousel with dynamic width.

Adding The Control Buttons

Before we see the next() and prev() methods, let’s create a couple properties that will help us to build the carousel.

The carousel property is a reference to the native DOM element of the carousel. Note that in this case I’m using a local template variable to query the element from the template.

We also have two Inputs, one for the animation timing and one that relays whether we need to show the controls. (we will see why this is useful later)

The remaining properties simply keep track of the carousel position.

Implementing The next() Method

We need to do some math to calculate the carousel position. Then, we can use the Animation Builder service to create and play the animation based on the timing and offset variables.

The purpose of Animation Builder service is to produce an animation sequence programmatically within an Angular component or directive.

Programmatic animations are first built and then a player is created when the build animation is attached to an element.

When an animation is built an instance of AnimationFactory will be returned. Using that an AnimationPlayer can be created which can then be used to start the animation.

Implementing The prev() Method

Here, we can use the same process as the next() method: calculate the carousel position and building and starting the animation.

Using Custom Controls

We can export our component to the consumer template with the exportAs property on the component metadata.

That’s all.

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A FrontEnd Tech Lead, blogger, and open source maintainer. The founder of ngneat, husband and father.