🎊 Create Angular Libraries in No Time Using Schematics 🎉

Netanel Basal
Netanel Basal
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2018


Maybe it’s just me, but since Angular was released, creating an open source library has been no simple task.

Luckily with the release of Angular Schematics, tools have been created to simplify the process by integrating an environment that is convenient and familiar to us — Angular cli.

In this article, I will guide you step by step as we create and publish an Angular library.

To simplify the process, we will use a library I have encountered recently — Angular Library Schematics. (By Carlos Roso)

For our demo, we’ll create a directive that will call for us to stopPropagation() when we need to. For example:

<button (click.stop)="onClick($event, extraData)">Click Me</button>


First, we need to install some dependencies.

npm i -g 

Now, let’s create a new angular-cli project with the following command.

ng new <library-name> --skip-install

Next, we can create our library.

schematics ng-lib-schematics:lib-standalone --name <library-name>

After running the above command, you will find a new folder labelled lib inside the src folder. It will include sample demo module and the build tools.


From here, you can start developing the library like you are used to.

The real advantage of this tool over something like ng-packagr is that it exposes the build tools written in gulp, giving you full control over the build process.

For example, I had to add a custom postcss plugin to the build process. It was just a matter of hooking up to the gulp task — very comfortable.

Add Tests

Adding a test is as simple as creating the spec file. For example:

Then, let the angular-cli take care of the rest.

Continuous Integration

I don’t know about you, but I like tools that simply work without defining anything. That’s why I use a service called semaphoreci for a continuous integration process.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a sponsor or anything like that, it’s free, open source, and very good.

You just need to create account, choose your repository, and let the tool work its magic.

Building and Publishing

To publish our library, we just need to run:

npm run build:lib
cd dist && npm publish

That’s it. You can find the full example here.

I hope this will help you create more Angular libraries, because we need them. Enjoy!

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A FrontEnd Tech Lead, blogger, and open source maintainer. The founder of ngneat, husband and father.