Customize Webpack Configuration in Your Angular Application

Netanel Basal
Netanel Basal
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2019


🤓 A Brief Overview

Angular CLI is a valuable tool that every Angular developer use to initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain their applications with ease.

However, one of the crucial things that was missing thus far is the ability to extend the existing webpack config, and add your own custom loaders or plugins.

Sure, there were some hacks, like using ng-eject or the experimental Architect API, but it was a risky and complicated thing to do.

Luckily, with the release of Angular 8, the experimental Architect API has been well defined and stabilized, and the good people at the Angular community created a custom webpack builder library. This library gives us the option to hook into the webpack configuration easily.

We’re not going to dive in and explain how it works under the hood. Instead, I’ll redirect you to a great article written by Evgeny Barabanov, where he explains everything in detail.

🦄 Adjust Your Webpack Config

In our example, we’re going to extend the default webpack configuration with two things:

  1. We’ll add a plugin called webpack-notifier which uses the node-notifier package to display build status system notifications to the user.
  2. Something I wanted to do for a long time; Add a postcss loader.

Let’s get started 😎

First, we need to create a new Angular 8 application:

npx @angular/cli new appName

Next, we need to install the angular-builders library:

npm i -D @angular-builders/custom-webpack

Now we need to change the builder option in the and architect.serve fields to the following:


With this change, when we run ng serve or ng build commands, Angular will use our custom builder. The builder will run the same build as the default one does with extra parameters that are specified in the provided webpack file configuration.

Let’s see the webpack.config file:


We can expose a partial webpack configuration object with the additional things we need. In our case, we use the webpack API to add the postcss loader so we can apply the postcss-short plugin and the WebpackNotifierPlugin plugin as we mentioned earlier.

The builder will take care of merging the delta with the existing configuration provided by Angular.

Now, we can use the postcss-short plugin API, for example, let’s add the size shorthand property:

div {
size: 300px;

Let’s run the app by using the npm start command, and view the result:

We can see the notifier and the transpiled CSS. That’s simple as that.

The library also provides options like custom merge strategies, custom webpack config function, and more. I recommend to check out the docs.

Happy Hacking! 💻

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A FrontEnd Tech Lead, blogger, and open source maintainer. The founder of ngneat, husband and father.