✋ Enough with the Frameworks War 😡

Netanel Basal
Netanel Basal
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2017


Today, I would like to talk about something that personally hurts me very much.

In the last couple of months, almost every week, a new article comes out that compares the popular client-side frameworks.

Yes, you know what I’m talking about. I’m not even going to put one link here because they’re not worth it.

In general, I don’t have any problem with it as long as they’re helpful comparisons, like comparing the various features of the frameworks.

My concern is that it got to a state where people slander and laugh at frameworks they “don’t like,” and make them into a joke.

I’d like to contact all of those who had ever written an article such as these.

What right do you have to write things like that? Excuse me; you’re simply pathetic. Genius, talented people sit and write code for your development to be easier, and you come and laugh at their face.

People from the open source communities put time and effort in these frameworks in their own free time without getting a penny, and you sit behind a screen and slander their work?

And that’s not all, it’d be forgivable if you at least wrote true things, but 90% of these articles mislead their readers with incorrect and inaccurate reporting.

If you really think you’re that smart, why not do something more useful with your time, and instead of writing garbage, use it actually to contribute to the community. Why not write tutorials to help people learn your favorite framework?

In my opinion, this entire thing only keeps on going for one reason

people let it keep going

People share it; tweet about it; and in every article, you’ll find hundreds of bored people arguing with other people what is the best. Do you not have anything better to do with your time? Instead of getting involved with this, read a book, and believe me, it will advance your career much more.

To conclude, those who know me know that most of my work today is with Angular, but you’ll never hear me say a bad thing about other frameworks.

I also work with Vue, I worked with React, and I have no problem with any of them. I also read articles about other frameworks because, at the end of the day, we’re all here to learn from one another. If someone wrote something interesting about what he did in React, it doesn’t mean I can’t take the idea and implement it with Angular or with any other framework.

And we’ll finish with one tip, at the end of the day, it’s all JavaScript, and it will all get you to the same result, in different ways.

Netanel Basal.



A FrontEnd Tech Lead, blogger, and open source maintainer. The founder of ngneat, husband and father.