Typed Reactive Forms in Angular — No Longer a Type Dream 💭

Netanel Basal
Netanel Basal
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2022


One of Angular 14’s most sought-after features is here— Typed Reactive Forms. You can begin experimenting with it now by creating a new Angular 14 project:

npx @angular/cli@next new angular14

Let’s review what’s new in this area:


We pass a string, so the form control is automatically inferred as FormControl<string | null>. TypeScript automatically enforces this type throughout the FormControl API.

You may be wondering where the null type comes from. The reason is that if you don’t pass a value to control.reset(), it’ll default to null. We can change this behavior by setting the new nonNullable option to true :

You can also pass a type explicitly if you need to:


The type undefined is added because if the control is disabled, it’ll not be included in the value object. We can bypass it using the getRawValue() method:

A form may have controls, which can be added and removed at runtime. These controls can be represented by optional fields:


There are some cases where FormGroup usage doesn’t match the above pattern since the keys are unknown beforehand. The new FormRecord entity was added for such cases:


Each control type in the above FormArray is FormControl<string | null>. UntypedFormArray must be used if you have multiple different element types within the array:


Similar to the examples above, the FormBuilder class has been upgraded to support the new types.

In addition, we can use the new injectable NonNullableFormBuilder to save the boilerplate when we want to use the nonNullable option in every control:

It’s much cleaner this way. Alternatively, you can use the nonNullable property:


Angular provides untyped versions to enable incremental migrations:

Angular 14 includes a migration that replaces all controls classes with their untyped equivalents.


We can define a type that maps a model to a strict form group. To demonstrate, here is a minimal version of my reactive forms library:

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A FrontEnd Tech Lead, blogger, and open source maintainer. The founder of ngneat, husband and father.